The intent of this book is to put you, the reader,
into an imagined walk along the beach with Jesus.
After you've completed your walk with Jesus, you
will have read over 500 Bible passages spoken directly by Him.
A Personal Note to the Reader:

Dear Reader,
The book, What Did Jesus Say... is a one of a kind book. It wasn't written by me, it was composed by me, with the guidance of The Holy Spirit.
Several years ago I was led to gather and organize the Teachings of Jesus into a special book, using only the words spoken by Him and nothing more. Taking the red-letter edition of the New King James Bible, I began the task of setting apart the words in red. In my obedience to the Lord, and by the grace of God I now give you this book!
The Seven Messages from the Master have been carefully organized to clearly reveal what Jesus said to those who loved and followed Him without the distractions of the religious and political conflicts of His time. I've made note at the bottom of each page where the exact location, chapter and verse can be found in your Bible. This is for your additional study.
The intent of this book is to put you, the reader, into an imagined walk along the beach with Jesus. After you've completed your walk with Jesus, you will have read over 500 Bible passages spoken directly by Him. I encourage you to dig deeper into the Bible in order to more fully grasp God's Word and Will for your life.
Truly, I wish for you a most peaceful walk with Jesus, and I look forward to meeting you one day in the future, when all of us become One Flock, together, with one shepherd.
In HIS LOVE I serve.
Rev. Terry Allan Christian, Author